Monday, August 31, 2009

A Steaming Monday Workout

Driving to bootcamp for the 6 p.m. class, the temperature gauge in my car read 100 degrees! The blazing fires spreading across nearby San Gabriel Valley communities didn’t help either, as it contaminated the air quality and left a blanket full of smoke causing a grey sky. It was certainly one of those days where you just wanted to head straight home, turn on your air conditioner and just veg out on the sofa.

Once a devout Walnut Women’s Bootcamp attendee, the last few months saw sporadic visits, and I knew I had to get back into my routine and headed over to the Walnut facility, knowing that it would literally be one Hell of a workout given it gets pretty hot in there despite the various fans. Upon arriving, the 5:00 class seemed pretty packed, mostly with a couple of newbie’s, while the 6:00 class had only six of us participating. Usually a popular time slot for class, everyone else was probably doing what I was thinking about earlier.

As the class began, we all complained of the heat, but still made our way through the rigorous workouts that consisted of side lunges with those damn sandbags, sliding the weight sleigh across the floor and a couple of other tortuous exercises that Mike had us doing. I have to admit, it was quite a workout, and it felt like a furnace in there! Usually I could go on with no water breaks until the break in the middle, but today called for several trips to my water bottle in between stations. By the end of class, I was totally spent, but felt really good that I went. Attending bootcamp on such hot days really gets you sweating, making you feel like you really achieved something that day in class! Word to the wise: make sure to really hydrate these steaming last days of summer, so that you don’t drop while in class…oh, and urge yourself to go even though you don’t want to; when it’s all said and done, your body (and jeans) will thank you for going!

Let’s see what’s in store for the rest of the week’s classes!

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