Monday, June 29, 2009

Covina Bootcamp Classes


The other day one of the bootcampers from my Covina Bootcamp
came to me frustrated because she wasn't dropping body fat fast enough.
This is coming from someone who is working out 5 days a week and never misses.

Usually when this scenario occurs it's nutrition
check this video out and see what happened:)

Covina Bootcamp Classes

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flat-Belly Food For Summer

Summer can totally ruin a person's diet. All the weekend BBQs, family gatherings for the summer holidays and vacation splurges can really hinder your weight-loss efforts. Here are some essential summer foods that are considered bulge-battlers. The more you consume these foods, the better your chances of keeping those abs flat throughout this skin-baring season.

1. QUINOA:It's basically whole grains that contains twice the belly-filling protein as regular cereal grains, fewer glucose-raising carbohydrates, and even a handful of healthy fats.Penn State researchers found that dieters who ate whole-grains lost twice as much belly fat as those who stuck to white-flour products—even though they'd consumed the same number of calories. You can easily start your day off with a bowl of of cooked quinoa as an alternative to your traditional oatmeal.

2. GREEN TEA: A study by Japanese researchers found that participants who consumed 690 milligrams of catechins from green tea daily had significantly lower body mass indexes and smaller waist measurements than those in a control group. It's safe to say that green tea is one of the best beverages for your health, which is why it has become so popular!

3. AVOCADO: There are many rumors out there that avocados are fattening. Well, they are, but here's the good news: they are filled with healthy fat. It's teeming with healthy monounsaturated fats (also found in olive oil), which have been linked to lowered LDL cholesterol levels and weight loss. In fact, a recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that the healthy-fat Mediterranean diet (that included loads of avocados) was more effective than a diet that avoided fats altogether—so go ahead and indulge!

4. Eggs: Usually a breakfast staple for many, eggs are packed with tons of protein. Boost your metabolism as soon as you wake up with a protein-rich breakfast of scrambled eggs.

5. Grapefruit: A grapefruit a day in addition to your regular meals can speed weight loss. The fruit's acidity slows digestion, meaning it takes longer to move through your system, and you'll end up feeling fuller, and more satisfied longer.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Meet Dolores Martinez: A Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp Member

Dolores Martinez attends our Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp classes religiously. You can usually see her at the Monday/Wednesday 6 p.m. class, as well as our 8 a.m. session on Saturdays. She has been working out here for the past six months (since about mid-January) and is happy with the results she has seen so far. Not disclosing the exact numbers in her weight loss (no woman really ever does), she did confirm that she has dropped about 10 lbs. since starting and is noticing more definition and tone to her body! She's also incorporating healthy meals into her diet, as she strives to lose a couple more pounds to really tone up.

When asked what she liked about the class, and why she continued with it for so long, she replied that she liked how every workout session was different. "I don't get bored with the exercises," she said. "Eric and Mike always tend to change it up with every session. You never know what you're going to end up doing when you get there." Dolores also mentioned that she enjoys the friendly atmosphere of the Bootcamp classes. "All the women are really nice," she said. "We've all become like a support group. It's really encouraging."

Stay tuned for more info on success stories from other members of our Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weight Loss Secrets: Eating Six Small Meals A Day

You've probably heard a million different tips on weight loss. And, while what works for some people may not work for everyone, it's fun (and instructive) to read about the little breakthroughs others have tried to slim down. Here's a good tip: eating around the clock leads to weight loss.

Now, we're not talking about pigging out all day. Instead, eating six small meals throughout the day will keep your tummy satisfied so that you don't overeat in one sitting. Never let yourself get so hungry that you end up making bad food choices. Plan out your day and prepare as much as you possibly can. Also, keep a food journal. So, by simply journaling all your food choices and changing the timing of your meals, you can track what you put in your mouth and be on your way to shedding unwanted pounds.

Try to stretch out each meal three to four hours apart. Breakfast, lunch and diner should be more filling meals, while the other three should be nutritional and healthy snacks.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Covina Bootcamp Fat Loss Tips

If you've been looking for an intense core
exercise I just might have the exercise for you.
This exercise is great for strengthening your core
All you need is a stability ball, and you're set for an amazing
exercise. Check out the video here

Let me know what you think:)
Just hit the comment button

Hope this help,
Eric Bonilla

Monday, June 1, 2009

Biggest Loser: Walnut Women's Fitness Edition Starts Today

The "Biggest Loser" is coming to Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp. Weigh-in for those interested in participating in the contest starts this week and continues for 12 weeks. There will be a $20 buy in that will in turn be given to the person who loses the most percentage of weight in accordance to their body (just like the show), along with one month of free membership! Before and pictures will be taken to monitor progress, so stay tuned for more information and progress of the contest as the weeks go by. Nothing motivates a person to shed a few extra pounds like a little competition and some extra cash!