Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Meet Dolores Martinez: A Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp Member

Dolores Martinez attends our Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp classes religiously. You can usually see her at the Monday/Wednesday 6 p.m. class, as well as our 8 a.m. session on Saturdays. She has been working out here for the past six months (since about mid-January) and is happy with the results she has seen so far. Not disclosing the exact numbers in her weight loss (no woman really ever does), she did confirm that she has dropped about 10 lbs. since starting and is noticing more definition and tone to her body! She's also incorporating healthy meals into her diet, as she strives to lose a couple more pounds to really tone up.

When asked what she liked about the class, and why she continued with it for so long, she replied that she liked how every workout session was different. "I don't get bored with the exercises," she said. "Eric and Mike always tend to change it up with every session. You never know what you're going to end up doing when you get there." Dolores also mentioned that she enjoys the friendly atmosphere of the Bootcamp classes. "All the women are really nice," she said. "We've all become like a support group. It's really encouraging."

Stay tuned for more info on success stories from other members of our Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp!

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