Monday, July 27, 2009

Diamond bar Bootcamp Lunge Workout

if you're looking for a great exercise that emphasizes
the legs, but works the whole body look no further
that lunge w/ zercher hold or front hold.

This exercise really hits the legs, but also nails
the core and spinal erectors, not to mention the arms.

So, check out this video, and let me know what you think

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla
Diamnd Bar Bootcamp

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting Back Into the Flow of Things: How to Restart Your Exercise Habit

It's summer and everybody knows that summer equals vacations (most of the time). While vacations are great for the mind, body and soul, getting back into your exercise regime after a vacation (or any prolonged absence) might not be so easy.

You're well rested, feel great, but your body doesn't seem to want to work with you as you go back to your daily (or weekly) exercising habits. Now, the question is: how do you start again? Once you have an exercise habit, it becomes automatic. You just go to the gym, there is no force involved. But after a week, one month, two months or possibly a year off, it can be hard to get started again. Here are some tips to climb back on that treadmill after you’ve fallen off.

Don’t Break the Habit - The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. This may be advice a little too late for some people. But if you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.

Reward Showing Up - Keep track of your exercise routine and how often you do it. Reward yourself with something you've been wanting when you finally find yourself back in the exercising rhythm you were used to before you took your leave of absence.

Enjoyment Before Effort - After you finish any work out, ask yourself what parts you enjoyed and what parts you did not. As a rule, the enjoyable aspects of your workout will get done and the rest will be avoided. By focusing on how you can make workouts more enjoyable, you can make sure you want to keep going to the gym.

Start Small - Trying to over do it your first time back to working out isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout.

Before you know it, you'll be right on track with where you left off before you took your little (or long) break from exercising!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tips On Overcoming Your Weight Loss Plateau

In each and everyone's weight loss journey, they'll hit a plateau and won't see any results. It's really unavoidable. You can be working out all the time, watching your diet and religiously sticking to each and every one of your weight loss goals. So what's the deal, right? Such plateaus are predictable and explainable.

Why? Because Basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the energy required to keep the heart pumping, lungs expanding, kidneys filtering and all other vital bodily functions going when the body is at rest—accounts for 60 to 70 percent of the calories you burn and depends, for the most part, on body mass. When weight-loss occurs, body mass goes down. Therefore, so does BMR.

So for example: Let's say you weight 162 pounds and consume 1,900 calories a day. In order to lose a pound a week, you've got to cut between 500 and 600 calories per day. So you restrict yourself to 1,400 calories, and the weight comes off easily. But suddenly, after your sixth week on this diet plan, you've noticed that the scale isn't moving downward anymore. This is because with the weight loss, your BMR has also declined, and where your body used to burn 1,368 calories per day, now it's using only 1,080. At this weight, there's less of you to move around, so you burn fewer calories working out and waste fewer calories as heat. All in all, your daily calorie expenditure is now pretty close to what you're taking in. You've hit a new—and probably very annoying—equilibrium.

Here are some tips to beat the plateau to continue your weight loss:

Don't Give Up! You may feel stuck, but you're probably still losing weight—just not enough to register on the scale.

Work Out Harder(Or At Least Strive For A Few More Reps When Doing Each Station At Bootcamp)! Increasing physical activity is particularly useful for moving beyond a plateau, because exercise both uses calories and builds muscle. Place a goal in mind when at each station and force yourself to stick with it.

Eat More Protein! There is some evidence that shows that shifting fat and carbohydrate calories to protein calories may help preserve BMR during weight loss. But don't overdo it—twenty-percent of daily calories from protein is as high as you should go.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Meet Shovnne Abalos: A Walnut Women's Fitness Bootcamp Member!

Shvonne Abalos is fairly new to training. Having joined in April, she first started out taking two classes a week, but has now signed up for three after seeing fast results! "I saw improvement after the first month," she says. "I've lost an inch and a half around my waist, one inch around my waist and half an inch on my chest so far."

What keeps her coming back for more is the various circuit training exercises done at each session. "You get a vareity of exercises each time you attend class," she says. "No session is ever the same." She also enjoys how small the classes are, usually attending the 5 pm and 7 pm classes throughout the week.

Get results like Shvonne and maximize the number of sessions you take! You'll notice inches off your body the first month just like she did.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Covina Bootcamp SandBag Training

I have someting a little different today.
If you're looking for a great muscle building
safe fat burning workout- Look no further than
sandbag training. It's fun, easy to learn and you
will get amazing results.

Checkout part 1 of Walnut Womens Fitness Bootcamp
Sanbag training

Let me know what you think:)

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla
Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

10 Smart Eating Tips

1. Practice Portion Control. Turn down seconds, and eat five smaller meals rather than three large ones.

2. Try the A-B-C-D-E-F Diet. This means limiting alcohol, bread, other starchy carbs, dairy, extra sweeteners and fats.

3. Make It Champagne. It's the best choice among alcoholic beverages if you must drink while on a diet.

4. Keep a Food Journal. Write down everything you eat during the day. Once you're conscious of your intake, you'll be surprised by how quickly you'll change your diet.

5. Eat Your Breakfast. A healthful breakfast will help stabilize your blood sugar, and you'll feel energized all day.

6. Snack Smartly. Take a supply of fruit, roasted nuts, or whole-grain crackers to work daily so you always have something good on hand.

7. Load Up on Veggies. At meals eat more steamed, grilled or raw veggies, and you'll have less room for calorie-dense meats and grains.

8. Don’t Fall for “Fat-Free.” Just because a food is labeled fat-free doesn't mean it's low in calories.

9. Stay Hydrated. Drinking water helps keep the complexion clear. It will also help you flush out toxins and prevent dehydration headaches.

10. Ban Bloating. The day before you have a big event, avoid high-sodium edibles like processed food, soup, sauces and cheese, which can cause fluid retention.

By following this eating tips and continuing a weekly exercise regime (like attending Bootcamp at least twice a week), you'll notice a difference when looking in the mirror!